La solución a esto en la cosmética ,son fórmulas que nos den un coctel de vitaminas y nos aporten un extra de energía y lo más importante que actúen de forma rápida. Mis favoritas son:

Otro de los factores que hacen que nuestra piel este apagada es el estrés que a veces es incontrolable. Hace que el organismo genere cortisol y este destruye el colágeno y reduce la producción de melanina. Las consecuencias en el rostro: poros más abiertos, piel más reactiva, surcos nasogenianos más marcados y lineas de expresión fácilmente visibles.
Productos que me gustan para combatir el estrés en mi rostro son:
En el momento de aplicarlo ya sientes que el rostro se ilumina, está más fresco y los poros se cierran.
Bueno, pues aquí acabo de escribir sobre unos pocos de mis productos favoritos, para la cara cansada
Hasta pronto!!:)
At the age that I have, and I've noticed that sometimes is worse than appears on my face and again that a few wrinkles. The good, although sometimes can not recover its good looks after a night's sleep, sometimes, not very restful, we in the market with a few anti-fatigue products. There is a study by the Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies of France in which he says that in the last five years we have lost an average of 28 minutes of sleep. Immediate effect on our skin, is not fully regenerated, the toxins are not eliminated and accelerate the aging process: dull complexion, dark circles, swollen eyelids.
The solution to this in cosmetics, are formulas that give us a cocktail of vitamins and bring us extra energy and most importantly to act quickly. My favorites are:

Another factor that makes our skin is off is stress that is sometimes uncontrollable. It causes the body to produce cortisol and this destroys collagen and reduce the production of melanin. The consequences in the face: more open pores, skin more reactive, more pronounced nasolabial folds and expression lines easily visible.
Products I like to fight stress in my face are:
At the time of applying and you feel the face lights up, it's cooler and the pores close.
Well, here I just wrote about a few of my favorite products, for tired face
See you soon!!:)