¿Qué tal se prepara el fin de semana?, yo con tener 2 horitas para descansar y desconectar me doy por contenta.
Hoy quiero escribir sobre una compra que hice y que no ha resultado tal y como esperaba, a pesar que me sigue encantando este tipo de bolso.
Es el bolso Selma de Purificación García,
el cual se parece mucho al Baret de Carolina Herrera.

El bolso Selma es un bolso de piel,

En este el interior ers parecido, pero al tener otro tipo de cierre , no se levanta la piel aunque lo llenemos.
Claro que la diferencia de precio es ostentosa, porque en el mismo tamaño el primero sale por 208 €, mientras que el segundo es de 920€.
Y vosotr@s ¿Qué tipo de bolso os gusta llevar?
¡Qué tengais un buen fin de semana y nos vemos pronto!:))
How do you prepare for the weekend ?, I want to have 2 hours to rest and disconnect, and I will feel happy.
Today I want to write about a purchase I made and that has not worked as expected, although I still love this type of bag.
It is the bag Selma of Purificación García.
It´s very similar to the Baret de Carolina Herrera.

The selma bag is leather with flap closure and back pocket, the linen lining is mixed with two compartments and a zipper in the middle, has great capacity despite its size. The mistakeI see is that if you load a lot you see how the closure is tight and the bag is not left as it is in the photo. Of course, it is a comfortable carry bag and the handle, not being very short, I can to hang from the shoulder. So that's a good thing .
In this the interior ers similar, but to have another type of closure, does not lift the skin even if we fill it.
Of course the difference in price is ostentatious, because in the same size the first goes for 208 €, while the second is 920 €.

And you What kind of bag do you like to carry?
Have a good weekend and see you soon :) :))
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