Después de varios post hablando de productos de belleza , hoy he querido escribir sobre ropa, en concreto de unas camisetas de Carolina Herrera, que en general me han dado muy buenos resultados.
Reconozco que no es una de mis marcas favoritas de ropa, pero para mi, las camisetas siempre son combinables y compré algunas porque las suelo utilizar tanto en verano como en invierno.
Estas las tengo desde hace varios años, la más reciente ya tendrá 3 o 4 años y como podéis apreciar están en buenas condiciones. La que peor ha resultado es la que en su composición es 100% algodón. y al ser blanca el color se ha deteriorado, a pesar que cuido sus lavados.
Las que llevan elastano, me las suelo comprar una talla más porque la primera con los lavados (siempre en agua fría) he notado que encojen. La primera que compré con elastano cometí la equivocación de comprarla de mi talla y con el paso del tiempo la noto pequeña Y lo que nunca utilizo es suavizante, si ya sé que os puede parecer raro, pero utilizo un buen detergente líquido y prescindo del suavizante.
Las llevo tanto con vaqueros como con faldas y con americanas , como siempre las llevo sin abrochar , me gusta su combinación.
Y vosotr@s ¿qué prenda no falta en vuestro armario?
Hasta pronto y sed felices:)))))
Hello everybody!!!!! How are you ? I hope that with a lot of energy and encouragement.
After several post talking about beauty products, today I wanted to write about clothes, specifically some Carolina Herrera shirts, which in general have given me very good results.

I recognize that it is not one of my favorite brands of clothes, but for me, the shirts are always combinable and I bought some because I use them both in summer and in winter.

These have been for several years, the most recent will be 3 or 4 years and as you can see they are in good condition. The one that has worsened is the one that in its composition is 100% cotton. and to the being white the color has deteriorated, in spite of that I take care of its washes.

Some wear elastane, I usually buy one size more because the first one with the washings (always in cold water) I have noticed that they shrink. The first one I bought with elastane I made the mistake of buying it from my size and with the passage of time I notice it small And what I never use is softener, if I know it may seem strange, but I use a good liquid detergent and I do not use the softener .

I wear them as much with jeans as with skirts and with jackets, as I always wear them without buttoning, I like their combination.

And you, what kind of garment does not lack in your wardrobe?
See you soon and be happy :)))))
Hello everybody!!!!! How are you ? I hope that with a lot of energy and encouragement.
After several post talking about beauty products, today I wanted to write about clothes, specifically some Carolina Herrera shirts, which in general have given me very good results.

I recognize that it is not one of my favorite brands of clothes, but for me, the shirts are always combinable and I bought some because I use them both in summer and in winter.
These have been for several years, the most recent will be 3 or 4 years and as you can see they are in good condition. The one that has worsened is the one that in its composition is 100% cotton. and to the being white the color has deteriorated, in spite of that I take care of its washes.
Some wear elastane, I usually buy one size more because the first one with the washings (always in cold water) I have noticed that they shrink. The first one I bought with elastane I made the mistake of buying it from my size and with the passage of time I notice it small And what I never use is softener, if I know it may seem strange, but I use a good liquid detergent and I do not use the softener .
I wear them as much with jeans as with skirts and with jackets, as I always wear them without buttoning, I like their combination.
And you, what kind of garment does not lack in your wardrobe?
See you soon and be happy :)))))
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