Bueno a lo que voy, hoy quisiera poner un outfit que es de Zara.
Aunque todo es de la temporada pasada, se puede encontrar parecido actualmente.

Como chaqueta podríamos poner

29,95€. 49,95€. 39,95€
La primera es de cuadros y la segunda y tercera son de tweed como la mía, añadiendo que la última lleva también lentejuelas.
Y como complementos
Mis botines negros Green Coast y mi Speedy 35 de Louis Vuitton
Y vosotr@s, ¿qué combinaciones os gusta hacer con prendas de tweed?
Hasta pronto y sed felices:))))
Hello everybody! How about these holidays? I took advantage to take out the Christmas decorations and decorate the house, as well as go for a walk around the city and enjoy the pre-Christmas atmosphere, because yes, I am one of those who I like Christmas.
Well what I'm going for, today I would like to put an outfit of Zara.
Although everything is from last season, it can be found similar today.

This sweater, the details instead of wearing them on the hood takes them on the ropes. € 29.95 in Zara.
As a jacket

29,95€ 49,95€ 39,95€
The first is not the same fabric as mine, but the second and third are tweed, the same that my first photo, adding that the latter also has sequins.
And as complements
My black boots and my Louis Vuitton Speedy 35 bag
And you, what combinations do you like to do with tweed clothes?
See you soon and be happy :))))
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