Bueno, a lo que voy, hoy quisiera hablar de una crema muy cara pero que en mi caso está siendo muy efectiva, es Moisturizing Cool Gel Cream de La Mer.
Aunque la más conocida es la Crema de La Mer Ultra Hidratante, yo elegí la que es en una textura gel refrescante. En estos momentos mi piel a pesar de ser mixta y muy sensible me la notaba bastante reseca y la crema hidratante que en estos momentos estaba usando, veía que no me estaba resultando óptima, así que después de leer sobre la crema de la Mer y probar una pequeña muestra, pensé que podía ser efectiva para mi en estos momentos.
La crema principal de la marca comienza cuando el Dr.Max Huber, un físico aeroespacial, sufrió graves quemaduras durante un experimento, tras lo cual quiso buscar una cura para sus heridas. Él estaba convencido que las algas marinas tenían la clave de regeneración de las células cutáneas y se dedicó a estudiar sus propiedades. Doce años y unos seis mil experimentos después, logró con su fórmula perfecta a la que llamó Miracle Broth.
El Miracle broth (componente esencial e los productos de La Mer) es un exclusivo elixir en base a algas marinas que estimula la regeneración y atenúa los fenómenos inflamatorios.Aunque su composición es conocida , pues sus ingredientes aparecen los envases, muy pocas personas conocen su proceso de fabricación.
Andy Bevacqua, químico de La Mer, cuenta que las algas marinas utilizadas son cosechadas a mano dos veces al año, y luego se fermentan durante tres meses usando una secuencia de luces y sonidos pulsados. Este componente se combina con minerales, vitaminas C, E y B12, además de aceites cítricos, eucaliptos, germen de trigo, alfalfa y girasol y finalmente es llenado cuidadosamente.
He decir que cuando llevaba 12 días utilizándola , mi piel ya no la sentía tirante. Solamente la aplico por la mañana y es el único producto que he cambiado en mi rutina.Y aunque su precio es de 160€ los 30 ml. su textura hace que una pequeña cantidad se pueda utilizar para todo el rostro.
Hasta pronto y sed felices:))))
He decir que cuando llevaba 12 días utilizándola , mi piel ya no la sentía tirante. Solamente la aplico por la mañana y es el único producto que he cambiado en mi rutina.Y aunque su precio es de 160€ los 30 ml. su textura hace que una pequeña cantidad se pueda utilizar para todo el rostro.
Hasta pronto y sed felices:))))
Hello everybody! How is it going to the week? I have caught a pharyngitis that there is no way to cure it.
Well, what I'm going for, today I'd like to talk about a very expensive cream but in my case it's being very effective, it's Moisturizing Cool Gel Cream from La Mer.
Well, what I'm going for, today I'd like to talk about a very expensive cream but in my case it's being very effective, it's Moisturizing Cool Gel Cream from La Mer.
Although the best known is the La Mer Ultra Moisturizing Cream, I chose the one that is in a refreshing gel texture. At this time my skin, despite being mixed and very sensitive, I noticed it was quite dry and the moisturizer that I was currently using, I saw that it was not optimal, so after reading about the cream of the Mer and to try a little sample, I thought it could be effective for me right now.
The brand's main cream starts when Dr. Max Huber, an aerospace physicist, suffered severe burns during an experiment, after which he wanted to find a cure for his injuries. He was convinced that seaweed had the key to regenerating skin cells and devoted himself to studying its properties. Twelve years and about six thousand experiments later, he achieved with his perfect formula which he called Miracle Broth.
The Miracle broth (essential component of La Mer products) is an exclusive elixir based on marine algae that stimulates regeneration and attenuates inflammatory phenomena. Although its composition is known, its ingredients appear in containers, very few people know their fabrication process.
Andy Bevacqua, chemist at La Mer, says that the seaweeds used are harvested by hand twice a year, and then fermented for three months using a sequence of lights and pulsed sounds. This component is combined with minerals, vitamins C, E and B12, in addition to citrus oils, eucalyptus, wheat germ, alfalfa and sunflower and finally it is carefully filled.
I have to say that when I had been using it for 12 days, my skin no longer felt tight. I only apply it in the morning and it is the only product that I have changed in my routine. And although its price is 160 € per 30 ml. its texture makes a small amount can be used for the entire face.
The Miracle broth (essential component of La Mer products) is an exclusive elixir based on marine algae that stimulates regeneration and attenuates inflammatory phenomena. Although its composition is known, its ingredients appear in containers, very few people know their fabrication process.
Andy Bevacqua, chemist at La Mer, says that the seaweeds used are harvested by hand twice a year, and then fermented for three months using a sequence of lights and pulsed sounds. This component is combined with minerals, vitamins C, E and B12, in addition to citrus oils, eucalyptus, wheat germ, alfalfa and sunflower and finally it is carefully filled.
See you soon and be happy :))))
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